Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Life under the sea and BBQ

This last Saturday, Nonni, the girls, and I, all went to see "The Littlest Mermaid" at the Hale Theater in Gilbert.
(Nonni and the girls standing on stage)
We had such a great time. I remember going to plays often when I was little. I want my girls to experience the same thing. It's so exciting to see their favorite story come to life 4 feet in front of them (front row seats baby!)

Even Tori, (3) was enthralled with not a peep for the length of the show.

Afterward, we made the rounds by all the characters, taking pictures and getting autographs.
Very nice actors too.

To top off the afternoon we enjoyed lunch across the street at Joe's BBQ. ( My favorite restaurant) My healthy little Jessica had ordered salad. So we decided she should also try ribs for the first time!
We also ordered a MONSTER root beer float. That between the four of us, we could not finish. It was a wonderful Saturday for sure!

My reason for blogging

Well, I have fallen to peer pressure and joined the millions other mothers out there who blog!
I named my blog after myself (selfish I know!)
My name Caitlin means 'pure' and my middle name Louise means 'renowned warrior'.
I remember one of the many times I've battled sin in my life, my mom told me.
"Live up to your name, my dear. 'Caitlin Louise'-God's pure warrior!"
While I think of it from time to time, this is a good reminder for what I am doing on earth.

I decided that a blog would be worth my time, because I would like to list all the activities my girls and I do, documented, in order to remember them better.
Both schooling, and field trips.

This will also hold me accountable to share what I am learning in the Bible, and what I am seeking out regarding new ideas for creative home learning!

I hope that my journeys and struggles will be an encouragement to you!