Sunday, December 5, 2010

Slacking at blogging!

I have been a bit of a slacker at blogging-but for good reason I thought:)
I've been spending every spare minute I have reading
curriculum reviews, "Charlotte Mason companion",
"Honey for a child's heart" and countless other
"homeschool" books.
I feel like there are SO many homeschooling resources out there;
And I want to read all of them!! Haha, I realize this is just not possible.
I need to stop spending so much time reading, and researching in front of the
computer and actually just spend that time with my two daughters.
Loving on them, praising them for their efforts at right living, and just practical teaching
through our every day life.
I am a definite researcher at heart though. And I feel I must know it ALL before I attempt to even try something.
I really need to let go of that control, & perfectionist tendencies and just rely on the joy of the Lord to be my strength!
So, that is what I am working on! :-)

Thanksgiving Happenings

We recently tried to recreate the first Plymouth Thanksgiving with our West Valley Homeschool group.
Jessica and I made turkey, elk, and pies, and our guests all brought side dishes to share.

The children were supposed to dress as Indians, or Pilgrims for our dinner and they prepared a couple paragraphs of what they were thankful for this year. I figured this would be a good opportunity for public speaking or reciting!

Jessica decided she would like to be an Indian princess. So we were off to JoAnn's! We found a great faux leather with trim and bought it at 50% off (Love JoAnn coupons)
At home we did a simple tube pattern by cutting the yard in half. (one tube for each girl) We cut out a neck and hot glued the sides together. Very simple, 15 minutes and we even had time to make a feather headband and feather earrings.

Jessica and I had a great time getting our house festive, (we had about 20 people) with candles, tablecloths and colorful plates.

We had a great time, unfortunately only Jessica was dressed up. And everybody had forgotten their "Thankfulness" essay.
At first I was really bothered by this, I had put so much effort and time into the event. (even taking the day off of school) but ultimately decided that Jessica and I did what we were supposed to do, we learned about Indians and enjoyed our time together :-)