Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanksgiving Happenings

We recently tried to recreate the first Plymouth Thanksgiving with our West Valley Homeschool group.
Jessica and I made turkey, elk, and pies, and our guests all brought side dishes to share.

The children were supposed to dress as Indians, or Pilgrims for our dinner and they prepared a couple paragraphs of what they were thankful for this year. I figured this would be a good opportunity for public speaking or reciting!

Jessica decided she would like to be an Indian princess. So we were off to JoAnn's! We found a great faux leather with trim and bought it at 50% off (Love JoAnn coupons)
At home we did a simple tube pattern by cutting the yard in half. (one tube for each girl) We cut out a neck and hot glued the sides together. Very simple, 15 minutes and we even had time to make a feather headband and feather earrings.

Jessica and I had a great time getting our house festive, (we had about 20 people) with candles, tablecloths and colorful plates.

We had a great time, unfortunately only Jessica was dressed up. And everybody had forgotten their "Thankfulness" essay.
At first I was really bothered by this, I had put so much effort and time into the event. (even taking the day off of school) but ultimately decided that Jessica and I did what we were supposed to do, we learned about Indians and enjoyed our time together :-)

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