Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I am feeling pretty pathetic. More important to me right now, than my kids schooling is the state of my home! (That makes me feel pretty pathetic!)

This morning, after being on vacation in Florida for a week, I woke up at 5 am to the smell of dinner cooking in the crockpot. Yes, that's right. I went to sleep with pinto beans and rice in the crockpot so that I would have my protein ready for breakfast/lunch/dinner. (How does oatmeal and beans sound for breakfast? LOL)

So, 5 am, and I am up and running. I fulfill my computer addiction by reading news/blogs/email/FB for over an hour. (This is something I don't want to waste my life on, and plan not  to spend much time on the computer in the future.-ah my noble goal!)
Afterwards, I work-out, start laundry, feed kids, load the dishwasher, put the trash out and start mopping the floor..I really think i may have a problem with wanting things to be a particular way.
I want to get to the point where my house can be in utter chaos and I still am able to peaceably continue my homeschooling day! I will get to this point!  Even after waking up at 5 am, we still did not start school until 8:30 am! Because everything had to be just right, before I could focus on homeschool.

So that is my goal, getting my house to an organized point so that it is not constant cleaning and de-cluttering. (*Tip* Look at everything on your desk or counter, and say "Could that go somewhere else?"
and you will start getting rid of clutter :)

J.R. Miller says~
"The woman who makes a sweet, beautiful home, filling it with love and prayer and purity, is doing something better than anything else her hands could find to do beneath the skies.

This website has a free e-book if you blog or twitter about it today. "Having a Martha house the Mary way".
 Reminds me of the story where Jesus was visiting with Martha and Mary. Mary was busy listening attentively to her Lord, while Martha was more anxious about the state of the house and preparation of food for her guest. Jesus finally admonished Martha and said "Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:38-42).

I believe that often in our hurry to have everything "just so" we can miss out on the
important things right in front of us! So I will be working on this :)

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