Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Timeline: We used the hand motions from the CCTimeline video on Youtube. 

you tube timeline motions with music weeks 1-6

History Sentence:  We used the song on the CC memory work CD and the following body movements. 

Roman Republic – sign an R with each hand
Punic Wars – Make ASL sign language for wars
Pax Romana – make a peace sign with right hand
In 286 AD – point to peace (which now represents 286)
The empire divided – Cross hands and swing out away from each other
Western and Eastern – point West and East
Germanic barbarians – Lift right arm high wielding a sword
Defeated – stomp the ground
Western Empire –Point West
In 476 AD – Hold up 4 fingers and point at them with other hand.

MathSkip counting song from the CC memory work CD.

9s – to the tune of Battle Hymn of the Republic– Nine, Walk the line
10s – Shout them out!   – Or Jump them out!

What are the major GROUPS of INVERTEBRATES?  (stretch the words groups & invertebrates, and make motions, to make it more memorable)
Some major GROUPS of INVERTIBRATES are....Sponges The sponges (exaggerate the word sponges and act like you're squeezing something with your hands)
Stinging-cell animals and stinging cell animals (exaggerate cell animals and make a microphone with your thumb up)
Flatworms Were singing for the flatworms (make a flat hand)
Roundworms the roundworms (draw a circle with your fingers)
Segmented worms and the segmented worms! (Karate chop segments in front of your body)
Mollusks at the MALL-usks  (push a shopping cart)
Sea stars you can SEEEE STARS  (exaggerate See Stars)
Arthropods and leave in your arthRoPODS!! (zoom off in the distance with a flat hand away from your body)

Geography:  We traced and colored in the map.  
EGYPTIAN EMPIRE  (remember to use timeline hand motion for Egyptians - this integrates geography with the timeline)
Nile River (Trace in the direction it flows)
Upper / Lower Egypt
West / East Deserts
Nile Delta

Latin:  We used a few motions and We will do 2nd declension again next week, and again during weeks 17 and 18.

English Grammar: CC Chant from memory work cd, with hand motions.
between left hand on hip; point between eyes
beyond point to something in the distance
but sign a B, palm facing yourself
by keep signing the B, but rotate your hand out
concerning bring hands to chest, covering heart; look concerned

 this video for a demonstration:  I know the song is really fast, but just keep practicing!

Presentations:  The kids did great today.  Let’s focus on articulating well, and speaking clearly. If we do bring something to show during presentations-Please just bring 1 thing. Thanks so much. 
We eventually can move to a point where the kids can speak to us without a "Show & Tell" type prompt, but just using words. I notice when Tori brings in a Show & Tell item, she stares at IT, and not at the audience-so this Thursday next, will be her first time, with no Show and Tell item :)

Science Experiment 
To the tune of All Around the Mulberry Bush:
The Scientific Method is Purpose, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, (snap or clap!), Results, Conclusion.

We did the "Naked Egg" and the "Shrinking Egg"

Perspective – The kids did an amazing job drawing a perspective drawing of a house, with mountains, trees, cars, Pyramids, and other things off in the distance.  
New vocabulary words were horizon, foreground,background, vanishing point, depth, and perspective.
Here are some links for more perspective work at home:
Two point perspective worksheets:

Review Games : 
 We played N/S/E/W game and Rockets.

At home:  Keep checking my pinterest board for ideas.

Feel free to follow me if you would like.  If you do a search on "Classical Conversations" within Pinterest, you will find a wealth of awesome ideas!  Here are a couple of my favorites this week.

Ancient Rome on Google Earth:

Thank you to all the moms who helped in class today!   I could not keep order without you and I appreciate every one of you!
Have a wonderful week and please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.  

Be blessed!

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