Week 8 explained
Week 7-12 with song
History sentence
Tell me about the age of Imperialism.
During the age of Imperialism- Make crown on head
The British established rule -stand at attention like a British soldier.
over India-point to imaginary dot on forehead
Queen Victoria- make crown on head, then sign V
Empress -pound ground with imaginary scepter
of India- Point to forehead
assassination - Make gun with R hand and shoot at left hand
in 1948 -(whisper the date)
Mohanda G.-Prayer sign
Passive...Movement- R hand makes a gun, left hand reaches over, and puts it away.
India's independence-sign "I" with R hand, and an "I" with L hand
Monocot-really pronounce the mmmmonocot(while holding up 1 finger) monocots have 1 seed leaf
Dicot-say dicot (while holding up 2 fingers) dicots have 2 seed leafs
Conifer-sign an ASL pinecone. All finger tips touch while pointing up.
I have all the points located on the map ahead of time with correct pronunciation next to it (for me)
Huang-He (Wong Hay)-yellow River
Chang-Jiung (Chong jong)-long river
and the city of
An-Yang (On yong)
Same as last week
is (kiss)
i (pretend to be scared "eee!")
em (look at pretend gem on ring finger)
e ( shrug with hands up, short e)
es (hold up pretend playing card for "ace"
um (rhymes with room)
ibus (big hiccup while saying it)
es (hold up pretend card for "ace")
ibus (pretend big hiccup)
of--sign "o" then "f"
off-place R fist on top of L fist. Raise top fist "off" bottom fist
on-Coming from previous preposition, put the Right "off" hand back ON the Left fist
onto-pretend to get ONTO a horse
out-flick thumb OUT and point it over your shoulder
Presentation-work on Poise. Speaking our best for the Lord, being prepared to present
with confidence.
HANDS ON SCIENCE-- The kids did a great job, dissecting the Owl Pellets and finding the vole/mouse skeleton inside.
Many of us brought it home, and I look forward to seeing if anyone assembles a whole skeleton.
We learned that an owl has 2 parts to it's digestive system. A gizzard holds all undigestible material and is eventually spit up by the owl before it can eat again.
God made birds on day 5. He gave these owls the ability to see well in the dark, so that they can survive and multiply.
They are able to survive so well, based on the way they were created and designed.
Because of the specific design of their neck, ears and large tubular eyes, they are able to rotate their head 270 degrees, differentiate many sounds and see very well in complete darkness.
cute video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FENowCc-A8M
Fine Arts.
In fine arts we covered the notes.
1/4 note = 1 beat (clap) a quarter note is filled in
1/2 note = 2 beats (clap clap) a half note is open with a stem
Whole note = 4 beats (clapclap clap clap) a whole note is open with no stem
We also covered the notes from the treble clef (right hand)
memorize the notes as EGBDF every good boy does fine)
when the notes land in the spaces it spells FACE going from bottom top.
If you could please bring your Foundations book to class, we will be sometimes using the music in it to play during tin whistle time.
PAGE 162+163 in Foundations
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