Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

So, last year, I saw this really cute idea. A fun Valentine surprise for those you care most about :-)
A Heart Attack of course! LOL Stay with me now-It's a good heart attack!

The girls and I spent most of Saturday cutting out hearts, and running to the store to pick up various candies..mmm...we sampled a few for safety.
We ended up with a nice little pile of Valentine love.
The girls and I made a card explaining who the goodies were from and presto, we were ready to heart attack our unsuspecting friends!
Jessica said this was the most fun she had ever had. We could hear our friends and their dogs, just on the other side of the door. Which really gave the escapade a fun, yet nervous factor.
Towards the end, we were ringing doorbells and running! LOL
Here is one doorway, partially 'attacked'

Until  next year! (Actually, until Halloween, when we have another fun escapade up our sleeve!)

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