Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Earth

I was getting frustrated with my girls inability to pick out North America on a map. So, the last few weeks have been "Quick! Find North America on this random map!" Finally they are getting it, and we are moving on to memorizing States and capitols.
As a fun craft I though they could make paper mache "worlds" and then they will do their best to paint Land & Ocean from memory. (I will then let them REPAINT it correctly, because I am a closet perfectionist and it has to be done right at some point, or I cannot sleep)

I had to hide them so they could dry, in the homeschool closet. My 3 year old likes to "check" on things, and then they are destroyed, and then I am angry, and it is really a vicious cycle-Now I simply hang important things up--high :)

1 comment:

  1. How much fun. I can't wait to see the finished product. We had a less than stellar experience with paper mache and balloons this week because they found it difficult to do and I ended up finishing for them. ugh.
